
Please fill out form below to claim your Complete Health Screening for $49

Expires: 10/1/2024

Are you suffering with back pain?

We understand how devastating and debilitating your back pain can be. But we have great news for you: You don’t have to live with that pain.

When you eliminate back pain, you invite great health into your life. And when you’re healthy, you have more energy, better weight stabilization, less risk of disease, greater longevity, and an improved mental outlook.

Just imagine how getting rid of your back pain will improve your life in every way!

What is Causing Your Back Pain?

Back pain can affect anyone, at any age. In fact, lower back pain is the most common reason people seek chiropractic care.

Modern living involves a lot of sitting. This places stress on your spine, which causes misalignment. And when your spine is out of alignment, this puts pressure on your nervous system. Not only is this the cause of your pain, but if it isn’t treated properly, it can cause damage to organs and tissues.

Your brain and nervous system control every function in your body. If there’s spinal pressure on your nervous system, this can cause miscommunication. And when your brain and nervous system aren’t communicating properly, this can result in problems everywhere.

In other words, when your spine isn’t properly aligned, it can cause heart problems, hip pain, headaches, sciatica … it can cause problems anywhere in your body where brain communication is disrupted.

How We can Help You

 Any surgery is risky. And medications don’t solve problems; they only hide them. Plus, medications usually come with dangerous side effects.

Chiropractic care is different. By using a variety of natural methods and tools, Dr. Baker can help put your body back into alignment. And when your body is properly aligned, your problems don’t hide … they go away!

Don’t Take Our Word For It

Tiger Woods has this to say about chiropractic care: “Being a chiropractic patient has really helped me a lot. It’s as important to my game as practicing my swing.”

World renowned leader in natural healing, Dr. Josh Axe, is another believer. He says chiropractic care is an effective and natural treatment option for back pain, with incredible benefits.

Complete Health Screening - $49 Exam, Consultation, and Digital X-Rays (if necessary)

*Excluding Medicare Patients and Personal Injury Patients

Dr. Baker – Your Royse City & Rockwall Chiropractor

To claim your Complete Health Screening for $49, please fill out the short form below. We’ll call you at a time that’s convenient for you. You don’t have to live with your back pain. Let us help you. Expires: 8/31/22